#fanfic yaoi
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aloreley11 · 2 months ago
Solo ideas...
Con todo lo que me han dicho sobre lo que les gustaría ver en las historias del TechXRev.
Marco y Tech; y Rev y Rip son mellizos. Y Rip y Marco se gustan entre ellos, pero a Rev le gustaba Marco y a Tech le gustaba Rip; Rev y Tech llevaban un tiempo ayudándose mutuamente a intentar que su amigo conquistara a su respectivo hermano, pero al final nada funciona, y cuando se dan cuenta que sus relaciones nunca serán se dan cuenta que en realidad son muy compatibles entre ellos pero por estar de güeyes con los otros no se habían dado cuenta...
Esta es la que más me ha costado trabajo. Tengo la idea de que Rev rescate a Tech después de un accidente en moto y por alguna razón termine acogiéndolo en su casa y de allí se empiezan a enamorar.
Esta también me va a costar trabajo, quiero una historia en donde tengan poderes pero estén en un contexto en dónde es prácticamente el fin del mundo.
Este sería OV. Rev está enamorado de Tech pero le da miedo confesarse. Un día Tech deja caer unos dibujos por accidente y Rev descubre que son bocetos de un manga/manwhua en donde Tech los ha dibujado teniendo una relación... O sea... Tech dibujaría sus propios fics XD
También me gustaría escribir uno de realeza en donde los dos son príncipes y tienen sus poderes; son de clanes enemigos, y en realidad lo común en su poblado o en su mundo, es que la gente tenga poderes, pero desde cosas tontas o sin valor como no sé... En escuela de héroes. Solo se pueden transformar en una manzana... O algo así XD entonces Rev y Tech digamos que sobrepasarían los poderes típicos, aun los buenos, porque mientras sus padres tendrían la capacidad de volar o telepatía, ellos tendrían 2 o 3 poderes, o sea en el caso de Rev la supervelocidad, la capacidad de volar, y la geolocalización y en el caso de Tech pues el poder magnético y la regeneración que solo por eso ya está rotísimo..
Allí se acaban mis ideas... Pero... Si quieren compartirme algún otra sería genial, ya saben que si ustedes quieren yo trato de hacer sus historias.
Como les he dicho, comúnmente no empiezo a escribir hasta que ya tengo el conflicto y en esas tengo la idea pero no pasa de allí, no sé cómo empezarla, no sé si habrá un problema, solo me imagino el contexto pero pues de allí no pasa... :'(
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thesillyguyy · 1 month ago
I wrote fish BL
In spite of this image I present
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The Two Fish (cheering applause)
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Non romantic ending:
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@theautumnaldemon @gummy-axolotl @icefireanimates @sh4tt3rg1rl @f3v3r-dre4m @bassguitarinablackt-shirt
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nightmare-knight · 8 months ago
Tech probando sus poderes magnéticos en "La estrella caída (Primera Misión)"
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missplaguedoc · 1 year ago
Have you ever read Minecraft smut with a bit of lore on the side? No? Want to?
Hi there!!! I'm Lilith Relish, an ao3 writer, and after a lot of time and having finished the first part, I wanted to share with you all my creation...
Minecraft: BL Edition
And what is this? You will ask...
Well, it's a very wide range of things. From a troubled gay mess called Steve, going through humanoid monsters like a cute creeper, a tsundere skeleton and a very very sweet Enderman, (and more), lore that I came up with and a lot of smut and that sweet sweet harem style that we all love, you'll be on a wild ride through the world of Minecraft.
Hope you all like it, and hope that you enjoy the art that peppers the fic, from myself and the wonderful @lustsright-handman (hi there, mate).
A bit of what you'll find in there...
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weirdplutoprince · 1 month ago
Always respect a fujoshi's dedication to writing yaoi even in the most romance hostile settings. A story could be called "the torture cube with four walls" and every fic would just open with 'it was common knowledge that the top left corner of the torture cube was reserved for love making ' like ok. of course.
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lainfaustus · 2 months ago
Kinktober 2024
Día dos, gente, pero aún no estoy segura de hacerlo todo.
La soga 🔥
En su mochila llevaba una soga vieja, de esas que estaban tan desgastadas que herían la mano y dejaban astillas de plástico en la piel. De hecho, en la mochila aún había astillas. 
Sentado en el piso estaba Monoma, observando asustado, pero excitado, a Iida, que le mostraba lo larga que era la soga. 
Iida lo hizo quitarse el uniforme y la ropa interior. Iida lo levantó y comenzó a atarlo: comenzó a pasar la soga por el cuello; bajó por su pecho, cruzándolo varias veces, raspando la piel tersa de Monoma, sonrojado al tener tan cerca al chico que le gustaba, mientras la soga continuaba su camino por su cintura, hasta su entrepierna: la soga rodeo los muslos por separado y subió de nuevo, atrapando su miembro en el muslo derecho, quedando el nudo casi en la punta del miembro erecto, sin darle espacio para correrse.
Monoma no había dejado de gemir, cada vez más excitado. 
—Vístete —ordenó Iida.
—¿Qué? —preguntó asustado. 
—Vístete, las clases comenzarán pronto. 
—Te dejé los brazos y las piernas libres, y tú miembro está prácticamente atado, así que nadie lo verá.
Monoma lo miró con los ojos llorosos, el rostro bañado de sudor y saliva, y la boca un poco abierta.
—Pero… verán la cuerda en mi cuello. 
—No, la cubrirás con una bufanda; obedece y vístete. 
Monoma se levantó, pero con el mínimo movimiento, la soga se tensó en todo su cuerpo, arañando su piel, presionando en los lugares indicados, obligándolo a soltar un gemido. 
Iida sonrió. 
—¿Estás bien? —se burló.
—Sí… estoy… No sé si… puedo hacerlo…
—Sí, puedes, anda —se recargó en la pared de la bodega—, vístete. 
Monoma se levantó, temblando entre gemidos. Le tomó casi media hora levantarse y vestirse: aunque la soga le lastimaba sus zonas más delicadas, el dolor y la sensación de picazón le producía oleadas de placer lujurioso. 
No sabía cómo llegaría al salón sin gemir, pero lo que más le preocupaba era el dolor en su miembro: estaba seguro de que, de no estar atado, ya se habría corrido varias veces. 
Cuando estuvo listo, Iida le tomó la mano y lo llevó a paso veloz, escuchando a Monoma cubrirse la boca con la bufanda que también le cubría el cuello. 
Llegaron al salón, e Iida le hizo sentarse hasta el fondo, obligándolo a caminar frente a todos, que obviamente notaron el rostro medio cubierto y el sudor que corría por su rostro. 
Monoma se sentó, y la posición recta ajustó aún más la soga. Monoma ahogó un gemido que los más cercanos escucharon, girándose para verlo. 
Iida estaba leyendo, y Monoma se cubría todo el rostro. Aizawa-sensei entró en ese momento y comenzó la clase. 
A mitad de la lección, pidió que alguien pasara al frente. Iida le levantó el brazo a Monoma.
—Monoma, pasa, por favor. 
Monoma se levantó lentamente y se acercó. 
—¿Estás enfermo? —preguntó Aizawa-sensei.
—Un poco —suspiró para que lo escuchara. 
—¿Quieres ir a la enfermería? 
—No, ya fuí, me dieron un medicamento… estoy esperando a que funcione.
—Bien; por favor, contesta las preguntas…
Monoma trataba de no moverse mucho: las ataduras se estrechaban con el movimiento, y le sacaba algún gemido que Monoma lograba disimular, aunque más de uno imaginaba que eso no era una enfermedad. 
Al terminar, Monoma volvió a su asiento, mirando deseoso a Iida, que lo ignoró, tomando notas. 
El día fue tan pesado y doloroso como él lo imaginó. Cada segundo se le hacía eterno, y, aunque deseaba, no quería imaginar su piel enrojecida, quizá sangrante, por la soga, porque eso no hacía más que excitarlo.
Por fin, las clases terminaron. Monoma parecía tener fiebre, pero pocos sospechaban que su boca húmeda, sus ojos vidriosos, y su rostro sonrojado no eran por enfermedad. 
Iida lo hizo caminar hasta su casa, que estaba sola en ese momento, y hasta la noche, y en su habitación, le hizo quitarse la ropa: la piel estaba roja y sangrante como Monoma lo había imaginado, sin embargo, lo que más deseaba era liberar su miembro. Iida lo notó: se lo besó, y luego lo liberó, observando con felicidad la corrida que hizo que Monoma cayera a la cama. Iida lo desató mientras tanto, besando superficialmente las heridas, y luego se puso sobre él.
—¿Te gustó? —preguntó.
—Hagámoslo la próxima semana otra vez —lo miró con lascivia—, pero en el cine. 
—Me gusta cómo piensas. 
Se besaron, sabiendo que tenían toda la tarde para liberar esa lujuria acumulada en Monoma Neito.
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kb9-ships-mistercriky · 8 months ago
A questo link trovate la lista delle mie fic/storie consigliate, come scrivo al suo interno alcune sono molto vecchie, ma valide magari per contenuto o consigliate per quel che hanno significato per il mio percorso di scrittrice di fic. Altre sono più recenti e per questo scritte meglio e per questo lavori che ritengo potrebbero essere piacevoli da leggere.
Il resto delle mie fic, tutte in italiano, si trovano QUA.
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aloreley11 · 2 months ago
Ya que nuevamente volvieron a ponerle ojo a este post. Les pongo sobre la mesa. Estamos de acuerdo que esta debería de ser la apariencia aprobada para el Tech "patán" de "El príncipe rebelde"
¿Se imaginan a este Tech; en modo frio y diciéndole pollito a Rev?
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aloreley11 · 2 months ago
Más de "Rev el soñador"
Vengo a decirles... Que... Estoy pensando en hacer otra parte de Rev el soñador.
Estaba pensando en la siguiente trama...
Rev pierde la memoria, y se olvida que está casado con Tech, y mientras eso pasa, Ralph tarta de convencerlo de que no es superhéroe y que obviamente no está casado con un coyote.
Y Rev no recupera rápidamente su memoria. De hecho... Al primero que recuerda es a "Robert"
A penas es una idea... Pero me agrada.
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prokopetz · 2 months ago
While I sympathise in principle with folks who object to the term "old man yaoi" being used to describe characters in their mid thirties, as someone who's repeatedly been disappointed to hear a character described as a "MILF", only to discover that the speaker is using "MILF" to mean "literally any woman who's visibly over 25" – often by the very same crowd who are now being persnickety about the definition of "old man" – I confess there's a part of me that's just thinking how does it feel now that the shoe's on the other foot, huh?
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nightmare-knight · 3 months ago
Fenton, Drake y Morgana deben realizar el examen de SHUSH para rastrear la pista del misterioso mago que atacó Saint Canard, con el fin de atraparlo y llevarlo con las autoridades pertinentes. Las pruebas para los espías de SHUSH se convertirá en algo tan peligroso, que la vida de los examinados dependerá de nuestros héroes.
(Nuevos personajes serán agregados en cada capítulo)
Hola a todos, bienvenidos a un nuevo fanfic, largo y con mucha acción, espero poder mantener un ritmo semanal, pero el máximo que podría tardar en subir capitulos puede ser 15 dias.
Serán unos meses interesantes, nos leemos en el proximo capitulo.
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missplaguedoc · 1 year ago
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A little bit of Vexx for all the followers of MBL 2!!!
My tablet crashed like, four times trying to draw this, so enjoy!!! Oh, and remember that there's another chapter, with all the problems with AO3 being down I forgot to remind you!!!
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realbeefman · 4 months ago
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oh im sure
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aloreley11 · 7 months ago
Compartí el link en ao3 (pero de tiktok)
Pero ahora lo haré aquí... Porque, esta es la apariencia que me imaginé de Rev en R-Star
I hope you like it as much as I like to cheer it up!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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b1tchyboyxd · 1 month ago
˚₊‧꒰ა Male wife reader x Yan!Husband ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
★ This is going to be short, I'm lazy lolzz ★ There may be several grammatical errors or things like that, I wrote this shit at 4 in the morning during a moment of epiphany, Anywayzzzz, I hope you like it
Tw: none.
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Your husband had been away all day, working hard to provide for you. As the evening drew near, you stood in the kitchen, preparing a homemade meal for him, knowing how much he appreciated your cooking. Just as you were about to finish, you heard the front door open and the sound of your husband walking inside.
You continued to put the finishing touches on the dish, your heart fluttering at the thought of seeing your husband's face light up when he tastes your cooking. As he entered the kitchen, you heard him let out a weary exhale, hinting at the long, exhausting day he'd had.
You heard your husband approach behind you, and soon felt his strong, comforting arms wrap around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder. His body pressed against your back, as if seeking solace in your warmth and presence.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the aroma of the food you'd been preparing. A soft smile formed on his lips as he spoke, his voice tinged with exhaustion.
"Mmm... that smells amazing." he murmured, his grip on you tightening slightly.
You turned your head to glance at him, smiling at the sight of his weary expression.
"Long day, love?" you asked gently, reaching up to run your fingers through his hair.
He nodded, mumbling a quiet "yeah" before burying his face in the crook of your neck.
The feeling of his breath so close to your skin sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle.
"I made your favorite. It should be ready in a few minutes." you said, continuing to play with his hair.
He hummed in contentment, nuzzling into your neck even further.
"Thank you... you know I look forward to your cooking all day." he murmured, his hands beginning to wander over your body, as if seeking physical reassurance that you were real and right there in his arms.
You blushed at his words and the way his hands were now caressing your body, his touches conveying a mix of possessiveness and need.
"You don't have to thank me, I enjoy doing this for you." you replied, your cheeks growing warmer as he traced the outline of your curves with his fingertips.
He pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder, his lips lingering against your skin for a few moments before he spoke again.
"You're too good to me. I really don't know what I did to deserve you..." he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and something deeper, something almost possessive.
You could hear the hint of possessiveness in his voice, and it sent a thrill through your veins. You turned in his arms, facing him fully as you reached up to cup his face in your hands.
"I could say the same, love." you said, your eyes meeting his in a tender gaze.
"Now go rest a little before the food is ready." You say.
Your husband hesitated for a moment, his grip on you tightening just slightly.
"But... I don't want to let go of you..." he protested, his voice soft but tinged with a hint of stubbornness.
You chuckled softly, gently caressing his cheek with your thumb.
"It'll only be a few minutes, love. Go sit down and relax, okay? You look exhausted..." you urged, your voice gentle but firm.
Your husband let out a sigh, his resistance crumbling as he relented to your request. He released his hold on you, reluctantly stepping back.
"Fine... I'll be in the living room," he mumbled, his eyes still fixed on you, as if afraid to look away.
You smiled at his hesitation, knowing that he would begrudgingly listen to you.
"I'll let you know when dinner is ready," you reassured him, knowing that as much as he wanted to stay glued to your side, he did need some time to unwind.
He nodded, his expression a mix of reluctance and resignation.
"Alright... I'll be waiting..." he replied, his gaze lingering on you for a few more seconds before he finally turned and headed for the living room.
With your husband temporarily taken care of, you finished up the last touches on the dish, feeling a pleasant sensation in your chest knowing that he would enjoy the meal. Once everything was ready, you carefully carried the food to the dining table and called out to your husband.
"Love, dinner's ready!" you called out, your voice ringing through the house. Moments later, you heard the sound of approaching footsteps and your husband emerged from the living room, his face still showing traces of weariness but his eyes lighting up at the sight of the food laid out on the table.
He took a seat at the table, his gaze fixed on the meal in front of him.
"Looks delicious, as always," he complimented, a small smile appearing on his lips. You took a seat opposite him, feeling a sense of satisfaction seeing the look in his eyes, knowing that you had managed to bring a little bit of joy to his weary soul.
He wasted no time in serving himself a portion, his stomach growling loudly, a reminder of how hungry he was. He took a bite and let out a satisfied sigh, his eyes closing as he savored the taste.
"Mmm... it's so good. You always know what I need, don't you?" he murmured, his eyes meeting yours once more.
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach at his words, and you blushed a little under his gaze.
"It's just some simple cooking," you replied, downplaying your skills. "But I'm glad you enjoy it." you added, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
He shook his head slightly, swallowing his mouthful before speaking.
"It's not just the food, though. It's the fact that it's made by you. That makes it special. Everything you do seems perfect to me." he said, his voice laced with adoration. You felt a warmth spread through your chest at his words, his praise causing your heart to flutter.
You found yourself at a loss for words for a moment, not having expected such a sweet compliment. You could see the sincerity in his eyes, the genuine affection he held for you.
"You're... too much, you know that?" you managed to say, your voice a little shaky from the rush of emotions coursing through you.
He chuckled softly, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"What, for appreciating my wonderful Husband ? I think it's pretty justified." he replied, his tone cheeky yet affectionate. He reached across the table and took your hand in his, his thumb gently caressing your knuckles.
Your heart skipped a beat at his touch, his warm fingers sending tingles up your arm. You looked at him, feeling a mixture of shyness and affection.
"I can never get used to you showering me with such compliments..." you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper.
He chuckled softly again, his grip on your hand firm but gentle.
"I know, but I mean every word." he said, his eyes never leaving yours. He moved his free hand to cradle your face, his touch almost reverent as he stroked your cheek with his thumb.
You couldn't help but lean into his touch, your eyes fluttering closed momentarily. A soft smile played on your lips, the feelings of love and adoration he stirred within you almost overwhelming.
"You're such a sap," you said, teasing him gently as your eyes opened to meet his gaze again.
He smirked at your comment, unbothered by the light jab.
"Guilty as charged." he replied, his expression playful. He continued to hold your hand in his grasp, his thumb still tracing lazy circles on your knuckles. "But can you blame me when I have the most perfect Husband in the world ?" he said, his voice filled with affection.
Your cheeks heated up at his words, your heart racing in your chest. "You're unbelievable," you mumbled, a mix of amusement and flusteredness in your voice.
"I'm far from perfect, you know that." you added, your eyes lowering as you tried to brush off his compliments.
He shook his head firmly, his gaze unwavering.
"Don't even start with that. To me, you are perfect. And nothing you say will change my mind." he stated, his voice leaving no room for argument. He reached over and lifted your chin with his fingers, making you meet his intense gaze once more.
You found yourself lost in his eyes, his intense stare making your heart skip a beat. The sincerity and determination in his voice left no doubt in your mind that he truly believed what he said.
"You... you're impossible," you whispered, your voice almost trembling. Despite your words, you couldn't deny the way your heart fluttered at his unwavering devotion.
He smiled softly, his touch still gentle but possessively holding your chin in place.
"Maybe, but I wouldn't have it any other way." he replied, his eyes flickering with something deeper, something almost primal. He sat back in his chair, but his grip on your hand didn't loosen, his fingers intertwined with yours.
You swallowed, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness under his intense gaze. You knew that look in his eyes, that hint of possessiveness that came out when he was particularly worked up.
"Are you finished eating?" you asked quietly, your voice slightly hoarse from the emotions swirling within you.
He nodded, his eyes not leaving yours.
"Yeah, I am." he replied, his voice low and slightly raspy. He didn't loosen his grip on your hand, his fingers now lightly tracing patterns on your skin. "I'm not done with you just yet, though." he added, a hint of darkened hunger in his tone.
A shiver ran down your spine at his words, your heart rate quickening. You knew that look, that tone of voice. It meant he had something else in mind, something that didn't involve food or rest. You tried to keep your composure, even though your body was already reacting to his touch and the implication behind his words.
"What do you have in mind, then?" you asked, attempting to keep your voice steady.
His gaze darkened, his eyes never leaving yours as he spoke.
"Oh, I have a few ideas in mind..." he murmured, his voice dropping an octave. He stood up from his chair without warning, making his way around the table towards you. He pulled you up from your chair as well, his hands on your hips as he pulled you flush against him, his body pressing against yours tightly.
You let out a small gasp as he pulled you close, your body molding perfectly against his. The heat emanating from him was almost scorching, and you could feel the hardness in his trousers pressing against you, a reminder of his desire. Your heart raced in your chest, your breath coming in short gasps as you looked up into his eyes, seeing the mixture of need and possessiveness burning within them. His hands on your hips gripped you firmly, as if he was trying to anchor you in place, as if he could never get enough of you.
He pressed you against him even tighter, his hands moving from your hips to your face, holding you in place. His eyes roamed over your features, as if committing every detail to memory. "I've waited all day for this, you know." he said, his voice low and rough. "For having you all to myself." His lips moved closer to yours, his breath ghosting over your skin as he spoke. His body was tense, coiled with need and desire.
"You drive me crazy, you know that?" he added, his voice filled with both adoration and a hint of desperation.
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Creativity is gone so that's it lol
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ibahibut · 28 days ago
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Let's make an oath to live together
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